As it is known, with the Bretton Woods agreement in 1944, the process of buying and selling the world's goods and services, especially energy, wea ...
In contemporary world, the Muslims have no leader or caliph to represent and defend their rights. Because of their divisions, they cannot act all toge ...
Energy is one of the fundamental inputs of the economic and social development of the societies. Its consumption has been increasing parallel with the ...
In order to make clear analysis, efficiency, capacity factors, initial investment and operating and maintenance cost of energy plants should be examin ...
While previously the concept of sustainable development only consists of the economic development in monetary term, today its meaning is elaborated ve ...
The western countries, USA and EU, have been struggling economic crises since the 2008. Although their economies have lots of problems, they did not a ...
Last months 6 gulf-states, Saudi Arabian, United Arabian Emirates, Yemen, Egypt, Libya and Bahrein started diplomatic isolation against the Qatar. Qat ...
15 July is the beginning of the new age not only for Turkey but also for all Muslim societies in the world.In the failed coup attempt, every Turkish c ...
Turkey has witnessed the most bloody coup attempt of the Republic period on 15 July 2016. FETO or The Terrorist Organization of Fethullah Gülen p ...